• Do you accept or process card payments?

    Then PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) applies to you. With security being the number one priority, Aevi's PCI DSS compliant platform ensures rock-solid protection for every transaction. Our s solutions secure everything from data handling and storage to compliance checks, so you don’t have to.

  • PCI

Secure transactions, simplify compliance

  • PCI DSS applies to all entities handling cardholder data, such as PAN (Primary Account Number), cardholder name, expiration data and service code. It covers every technical and operational system involved, and if you accept or process payment cards, PCI DSS is essential for you, which is why it’s integrated into our API payment platform, so it really couldn’t be easier to tick the compliance box.

    Who has to comply?

    • All merchants, regardless of size or transaction volume, must comply with PCI DSS. This requirement applies even if the payment card processing is subcontracted to third parties.Any service provider that handles cardholder data on behalf of a merchant or other entities must also comply with PCI DSS standards to ensure the security and integrity of the data.
    • As businesses operate in a global marketplace, adhering to PCI DSS standards is crucial for securing cross-border payments and maintaining customer trust. Learn more about how Aevi facilitates secure cross-border payments here. 

Three key components of PCI DSS

  • SmartPOS icon

    Handling sensitive customer card details

    Ensuring that all personnel involved in the handling of sensitive card information are aware of their responsibilities and are trained in secure practices.

  • Merchant ready icon

    Storing all payment data securely

    Implementing robust encryption and storage solutions to protect stored cardholder data from unauthorized access and breaches.

  • check

    Validating security controls annually

    Conducting regular assessments and audits to validate that all required security measures are in place and functioning effectively.

PCI DSS: The 12 requirements

  • Install and maintain a firewall configuration to safeguard cardholder information.

    Icon firewall
  • Avoid using default passwords and security settings provided by vendors.

    Icon entry login
  • Securely store all cardholder data.

    Icon card data
  • Encrypt cardholder data when transmitting over open, public networks.

    Icon encrypt data
  • Defend all systems from malware, and frequently update anti-virus software.

    Icon update software
  • Create and maintain secure systems and applications.

    Icon lock / security
  • Limit access to cardholder data to those with a business need-to-know.

    Icon restrict access
  • Ensure all access to system components is identified and authenticated.

    Icon security  check
  • Restrict physical access to cardholder data.

    Icon restrict access
  • Monitor and log all access to network resources and cardholder data.

    Icon focus/centralise
  • Conduct regular tests of security systems and processes.

    Icon checked/compliance
  • Implement and uphold a policy addressing information security for all employees.

Why choose Aevi’s PCI DSS certified platform?

  • Choosing a PCI DSS compliant payment platform is essential to protect your business and customer data. Aevi provides a platform that is impenetrably secure and compliant, and ensures all your payment processes meet the stringent PCI DSS requirements, whilst being widely recognized and accredited across the world. 


    • PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.

    • Any entity that handles cardholder data, including merchants and service providers, must comply with PCI DSS standards.

    • PCI DSS compliance must be validated annually through self-assessment questionnaires (SAQs) or external audits, depending on the volume of transactions and the type of entity.

    • Penalties for PCI DSS non-compliance can include fines, increased transaction fees, and potential loss of the ability to process credit card payments.

    • Aevi provides a secure payment platform that adheres to all PCI DSS requirements, ensuring that your payment processes are safe, secure, and compliant.

    • Let’s get started

      By ensuring PCI DSS compliance, you not only protect your customers' sensitive information but also build trust and credibility for your business. Let Aevi help you navigate the complexities of payment security with total confidence.